Roof Top, Ground Mount, & Commercial Solar Designs All Start By Reviewing Your Energy Consumption And Then Determining Which Solar Panel Is Right For You
Solar Design Options
Best Performace
For those wanting to generate the most energy possible day 1, and over the life of the system, we typically use the most efficient solar panels paired with micro-inverters in our designs to generate the most energy possible, with the fewest panels in a given space. We can also design a system with dual axis trackers which can to generate much more energy from solar panels.
Best Value
While systems are typically designed to offset 100% of your expected use, some are fortunate to have large roof space or open fields that won't require using the most efficient solar panels. Your system can also be designed to only use the surfaces that produce the most energy which typically achieve the fastest payback of your investment. (This may mean producing less energy than you use on an annual basis.

Lowest Investment Required
Systems prioritizing a return on invesment are typically designed with less efficient solar panels paired with optimizers rather than micro-inverters. So long as you have plenty of roof space (or space for a ground mount) you can take advantage of this design approach.